Event Details

  • Date:
    • January 10, 2022 - July 29, 2022
  • Presenter Name:
    • Katie Lash and Tami Hicks
  • ESC Member Price:
    • TBD (To Be Determined)
  • Non Member Price:
    • Not Available
  • Facilitator:
  • Location:
Event Cancellation Policy
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Your Educational Service Centers have partnered with Indiana University East to offer an opportunity to address the required EL Teacher of Record Requirements approaching by September of 2022.

NOTE: This course will be an introductory section that could be stacked to receive a full minor or graduate certificate (per the IDOE expectation) if the participant chose to pursue further coursework. However, currently, only one class would be required to complete the rubric option attached. 

EDUC-L530: Topical Workshop in Language Education
Foundations for EL Instruction
Course Description: Individual and group study of special topics in the field of language education. Updating and improving the teaching of English, English as a second or foreign language, foreign languages, and reading.

This course is designed to address topics relating to EL Education, language education, and the improvement of instruction for English Learners at all levels. It will also reference many compliance requirements. All class members will be practicing educators who are taking the course for the same reasons, so topics have been tailored for this specific audience.  

Course topics include, but are not limited to: 
• Guiding principles of language instruction
• Compare and contrast academic and social language
• Content and language objectives 
• Comprehensible input
• Planning with instructional supports
• Developing an ILP 
• Collaboration: EL & Gen ED teachers 
• Differentiating and scaffolding for language learners
• Analyzing English language learner assessments
• Engaging English learners and their families  

This course includes 8 asynchronous modules that will be completed over the 8 weeks at a schedule that works for the learner.  There will be three required live Zoom meetings during the 8 weeks, day/time TBD.

 We have two options available before the IDOE deadline and seats are limited so sign up soon! Once registered, you have committed to filling that seat. Please only register if you are able to fully commit at this time as we do not want to deny others the opportunity. 

Target Audience:

Teachers becoming ELL TORs

Special Instructions:

 We have two options available before the IDOE deadline and seats are limited so sign up soon! Once registered, you have committed to filling that seat. Please only register if you are able to fully commit at this time as we do not want to deny others the opportunity. 

Spring 2022: January 10- February 28

Register here: https://forms.gle/P4VvVhnHdGpeob4h6

Summer 2022: June 6- July 29

Register here: https://forms.gle/a9jNwRyu4wBZFMXV9


Event Cancellation Policy

NIESC Cancellation Policy

Registrants who notify NIESC of their cancellation on or before the registration deadline date will not be required to pay the registration fee.

  • Registrants who cancel after the registration deadline but one week before the workshop date or call to cancel on the day of the workshop, will pay 50% of the registration fee.
  • Registrants who neglect to call or notify NIESC of their cancellation will be responsible for paying the full registration fee.
  • On official school corporation weather-related cancellation days, registrants will not be required to pay registration fees