I. The history of indoor air quality
II. Indoor air quality standards
A. Indiana
III. The basics
A. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
B. Carbon monoxide (CO)
C. Temperature
D. Humidity
IV. Finishes, furnishings and casework
V. Biological contaminants
A. Mold
B. Bacteria
C. Viruses
D. Allergens
E. Bioeffluents
VI. Chemical contaminants
A. Volatile organic compounds
B. Formaldehyde
C. Ozone
D. Sewer gas
E. Combustion products
VII. Radon
VIII. Controlling indoor air quality
A. Temperature
1. Effect on test scores
B. Humidity and overcooling
C. UV treatments
1. Ozone generation
D. Ozone
1. Surface reactions
E. Filtration, filtration, filtration
1. Commercial units
2. CR Box
IX. Test methods and evaluating the data
X. Related issues
A. Legionella
B. Lighting
Facility Directors, IAQ Controllers
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