Naloxone Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Event Details

Event Cancellation Policy
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This training session will identify steps to take in preventing and addressing youth non-prescribed opioid use and promote mental health and skill development and delay youth substance use.
Participants will be able to define the need/benefit for establishing a prevention education and overdose emergency response action plan by incorporating overdose emergency response into the school’s emergency preparedness response plans. They will also learn signs of an overdose and how to administer naloxone, name brand Narcan, should an overdose situation arise.

Each high school will receive 2 naloxone kits and an emergency medicine box through a CareSource grant funding at no cost to the school.

Other schools may request naloxone kits.

Time: 2 hours maximum

Target Audience:

School Nurses and School Safety Personnel


Event Cancellation Policy

NIESC Cancellation Policy

Registrants who notify NIESC of their cancellation on or before the registration deadline date will not be required to pay the registration fee.

  • Registrants who cancel after the registration deadline but one week before the workshop date or call to cancel on the day of the workshop, will pay 50% of the registration fee.
  • Registrants who neglect to call or notify NIESC of their cancellation will be responsible for paying the full registration fee.
  • On official school corporation weather-related cancellation days, registrants will not be required to pay registration fees