ServSafe Manager Course & Test
Provides food safety certiication and training hours for food service directors and food service staff.
Location: Lincoln Education Center
220 N Liberty St.
Plymouth, IN
Park and enter on the east side of the building.
Cost: Free- for schools contracting with Kaylyn MacKillop
$60- for schools belonging to a service center
$120- for schools not belonging to a service center
Lunch: There will be a 1 hour lunch break. You can bring your lunch or go to a nearby restaurant.
Book: All participants must purchase ServSafe® Manager Book 7th Edition with 2017 Food Code with EXAM ANSWER SHEET. Cost for this is $70.30 plus shipping and may be purchased at . (I do not get the books, this is your responsibility.) It is recommended participants read the book before attending the class.
Registrants who notify NIESC of their cancellation on or before the registration deadline date will not be required to pay the registration fee.