The workshop provides a focused, practical overview for building and district administrators to support the achievement of all children and ensure legally compliant and defensible practices. Content topics include the following:
• Administrator and Teacher Accountability
• Leading IEP Meetings
• Legally Compliant Procedures
• Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors
• Discipline For Students with an IEP
• Placement Decisions
• Evaluating Special Education Teachers
• Implementing the IEP
The Individualized Education Program Technical Assistance Center or IEP TA Center, formerly the Indiana IEP Resource Center, is a project of Indiana State University supported through Part B federal funds distributed by the Indiana Department of Education. The purpose of the center is to increase knowledge, skills, and capacity of Indiana educators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. The IEP TA Center promotes inclusive education with a belief in shared responsibility and equitable access to a strong core curriculum with high-quality instruction benefiting all students. To fulfill this purpose, IEP TA Center staff provide professional learning, technical assistance, and resources to support educators in the field.
Registrants who notify NIESC of their cancellation on or before the registration deadline date will not be required to pay the registration fee.