Executive Director Notes

Dr. Don Harman
Executive Director

As the 2024-2025 school year begins, please know we are here to help with your needs. The staff at NIESC is focused to assist you in four ways; service, support, innovation and collaboration.  If at any time you need our assistance, contact one of our staff members linked here.

Cooperative Purchasing

Click below for information on shredding

Click here for more information

Food Service

Cafeteria Staff Day Out 2024
This year's Cafeteria Staff Day Out was a great success! We had over 340 participants attend the event that was held at Concord Jr. High School. We had funny motivational speaker, Charles Marshall, as well as Chef Jenn Brower present the group. The food show had over 35 food and equipment vendors. Thank you to the staff Concord Jr High School for being very helpful and accommodating during the event and event set up!  If your school is interested in hosting this event next year, please email Sara Williams


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
As you progress through the year, please keep in mind the ways NIESC/NWIESC can partner with you to support all areas of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (see graphic below). Some services are provided free of charge as members of NIESC/NWIESC. If you would like to collaborate on a multi-day initiative specific to your district, please contact Cassie Scarsella (cscarsella@niesc.k12.in.us).
Curriculum Study Councils will continue this year, with the first taking place in-person at NIESC on September 13th. Click HERE for the 2024-2025 Curriculum Study Council schedule. 

Technology Integration

Northern Indiana Tech Leader Meetings

Tech Directors & Coaches

September 6. 2024
School City of Mishawaka


We are looking for hosts for the following dates:

October 4th
December 6th
February 7th
April 18th
Virtual Meetings
Network Administrators
Third Thursdays, 11am EST / 10am CST
Cybersecurity Meeting
Second Thursday, 11am EST / 10am CST
State Reporters
Every Tuesday, 9:30am EST / 8:30am CST
Email dkennedy@niesc.k12.in.us to be added to mailing lists:  Tech Directors, Tech Coaches, Network Administrators, Cybersecurity, State Reporters, and/or STEM Integration.  

STEM Integration

As Integrated STEM becomes a focus in Indiana, NIESC recognizes the need for educational support centered around Indiana’s Integrated STEM standards. Through the STEM Forward program, our ESC provides professional learning oppportunities and classroom support that focus on: 
  • Strengthening current pedagogy with research based best practices outlined in Indiana’s Integrated STEM Standards
  • STEM leadership
  • Standards alignment

Click HERE to learn more about STEM Forward or contact Laura Unsicker lunsicker@niesc.k12.in.us

School Counseling

School counselors play a pivotal role in fostering a supportive educational environment. They are instrumental in helping students navigate academic, career, and social and emotional needs. By offering guidance on career planning, emotional well-being, and academic performance counselors empower students to set and achieve their goals. Their presence in schools not only enhances individual student success but also contributes to a more inclusive and positive school culture. The American School Counselor Association offers this graphic to describe the role of the school counselor.
The first school counselor study council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11 at 10:00 am ET. We will hear from a representative from a mental health partner for schools, Cartwheel.  

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Information Coming Soon for the Following PD
  • AI for School Admin
  • AI for the K-8 Classroom
  • Generative AI in the Math Classroom Grades 7-12
  • Outdoor Learning with EEAI
  • Language Comprehension with Jamey Peavler
  • Written Expression with Jamey Peavler
  • SoR Explicit Instruction with Melissa Gill
  • ESCI Key to Beginning Reading- 2 Day Series
  • ILEARN Checkpoint & Data Analytics Cadre

These are just some of Professional Learning Opportunities that we have coming up for the 24-25 school year. Keep an eye out for our PD Newsletter coming soon with dates, locations, times, and more PD.

NIESC Staff Spotlight

Andre "Joe" Scruggs

Andre "Joe" Scruggs retired from NIESC at the end of June 2024 after having been on staff for 44 years in one role or another. 

Joe started out in 1980 splicing and repairing 16mm reel to reel film for the service centers resource library. The center mailed out the 16mm film to different schools until vehicles were purchased to deliver them. In those days, the center would fix and repair equipment such as apple computers, floppy disk drives, TV's. overhead projectors, tape recorders, and other school equipment. They went from reel to reel, to videos, to DVD's, finally to streaming video in schools. 

Joe's job shifted when vehicles were purchased and he became NIESC's delivery driver. Monday through Friday Joe would deliver and pick up media materials to and from schools. He remembers carrying a pager and having to find a phone booth to return the message back to the service center. Joe laughs and says, "we have come a long way since those days!"

Joe shared that he enjoyed driving and making deliveries and pickups around northern Indiana. He enjoyed meeting and interacting with staff at the schools that he went to. The best part about the job to him was the appreciation that he received from every school he went to.

As Joe reflected on his time at NIESC, he shared, "I enjoyed the years I worked for NIESC and the people I met over the years. The hours that I worked for the center enabled me to leave at an early time to be able to work with and coach students. It means a lot to be able to impact students in a positive way. I hope that I've been a ray of sunshine to those that I have met over the years. They say if you enjoy what you do then you will never work a day in your life. I feel that I've been a blessed individual and God is not done with me yet."

Even though Joe has retired from NIESC he will still continue to work at Adams High School. Joe does security as well as coach cross-country, wrestling, and track.

In his spare time, Joe enjoys getting on the road and traveling from time to time. He also enjoys officiating at wrestling events and attending other sporting events. 

Everyone at NIESC would like to thank Joe for all that he has done over the years for the service center, schools, and most importantly the kids. We are grateful for him and wish him all the best during this next chapter of his life! 



Northern Indiana Education Service Center
56535 Magnetic Drive
Mishawaka, IN 46545

574-254-0111 | niesc.org


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