REMINDER: STN & SPN Transition to State Ed-ID Portal: IDOE is excited to announce Ed-ID, a new system for generating IDs for students and educators. Ed-ID will provide IDs to educators from early childhood settings through secondary settings. This new approach will allow more versatility for the generation and use of IDs across a variety of state agencies involved in student learning and will improve the management of these IDs through a centralized service. The transition will begin on Wednesday, December 14, with the new Ed-ID portal up and running shortly afterwards. IDOE expects the upgrade to take one week to 10 days and will communicate when the new Ed-ID portal is available for use. More information may be found in this memo.
REMINDER: Data Exchange Upgrade Planned for 2024: Data Exchange (DEX) will be moving to Ed-Fi ODS/API for Suite 3 v6.0 (Data Standard for Suite 3 v4.0a) for the 2023-2024 school year. Contact IDOE's Data Exchange Team with any questions.
Update G-Suite / Microsoft Credentials in IDOE LINK Portal for Form 9: IDOE has modernized the Form 9 Financial Data system utilizing newer technologies. Please read this memo regarding the update. As a part of this upgrade, IDOE will release the new Form 9 system within the IDOE LINK Portal, which recognizes all local schools' Google G-Suite or Microsoft credentials. This increased security means that financial staff will no longer need an IDOE username/password for this site.
ILEARN, IREAD-3, and I AM: Secure Browser Updated for Chromebooks: Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) and Google released an updated Secure Browser on Saturday, October 29, to resolve an issue wherein the Secure Browser was not loading or initializing on ChromeOS devices. Please use the Google Admin console to ensure this update (v. has been installed on all testing devices. CAI and the Indiana Department of Education appreciate the educational community’s patience as we work to ensure optimal system performance. Contact the Indiana Assessment Help Desk with any questions.
NEW: 2023-2024 Course Titles and Descriptions Now Available: The 2023-2024 Course Titles and Descriptions provide important guidance as school leaders prepare their school’s course and content offerings for the upcoming year. In addition to core content and general elective course updates, the 2023-2024 Course Titles and Descriptions include updates specific to career and technical education course offerings as transitions occur for the Next Level Programs of Study (NLPS).
2022-2023 Digital Learning Parent and Family Support Grant: Applications for the 2022-2023 Digital Learning Parent and Family Support Grant are now open. The grant allows a school or corporation to design a plan to support parents with topics related to educational technology and blended/virtual learning environments. The grant application window will be open until 5 p.m. ET on Friday, December 2. See this memo for additional information. A recording of the grant support session is now available in the Learning Lab.
NEW FROM THE COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (CSTA): Reserve Your Spot for CSPDWeek 2023: Indiana is proud to announce we are now accepting initial applications for Indiana CSPDWeek brought to you by the national CSTA, the Indiana CSTA Chapter, Nextech, and IDOE. Save the date for June 26 to 30, 2023 where hundreds of Indiana K-12 teachers will come together to learn, network, and create community on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington. Learn more and indicate your interest here. Contact Stephanie Zircher with questions.