Don Harman
Executive Director |
Fully-Funded Training Opportunity for Indiana Educators:
NIESC has partnered with the Modern Classrooms Project (MCP) to offer training for any teacher who wants to learn how to implement blended, self-paced, mastery-based teaching and learning. The partnership is through the 1008/Accelerated Learning Grant.
The best way to see a Modern Classroom in action is to watch these short Edutopia videos:
Elementary Classroom
Secondary Classroom Any Indiana teacher can enroll in MCP’s Virtual Mentorship Program, a 12-week course that offers classroom-tested strategies with one-on-one expert coaching to build classroom-ready materials for self-paced, mastery-based learning. During the program, the teacher creates content to use in their Modern Classroom through a virtual, asynchronous, and self-paced course. The teacher is guided through creating mastery checks, instructional videos, self-pacing tools, and systems for student engagement. An Expert Mentor in a similar content or grade level provides feedback and guidance to help the teacher build a unit they are confident in using in their classroom. After training, the teacher receives 30 PGPs and a full year of on-demand coaching.
Please share the two page teacher flyer as you wish with your teachers (Flyer).
Any of your educators may sign up to learn more and register for training.
| |
K12 Indiana/Spendbridge Vendor Fair
Is your district looking for ways to save money and operate more efficiently? Plan now to attend the 2022 Education Service Centers’ Vendor Fair to have one-on-one time with numerous vendors and learn how to take advantage of the contracts and partnerships available to your district. These agreements have been specifically negotiated for school districts who are members of any Education Service Center in the State of Indiana.
WHEN: Thursday, October 27, 2022
TIME: Open house format: Vendor booths will be open from 10am-2pm EST so you can plan to come and go as your schedule allows
WHERE: CIESC Office located at: 3500 DePauw Blvd Suite 3021, *Second floor of Pyramid 3, Indianapolis
COST: Free to ESC Members
FOOD: Lunch and drinks will be provided to registered attendees
GET REGISTERED: Click HERE to register to attend the 2022 ESC Vendor Fair
Know a teacher looking for ways to incorporate more farm to school lessons into the classroom? Let them know about this FREE resource available. |
Upcoming Important Dates
- September 16, 2022 - Food Service Annual Financial Report due
- October 1, 2022 - Verification Starts
- October 10-14, 2022 - National School Lunch Week
- November 15, 2022 - Complete Verification
Don't forget to send out notices to remind parents when the 30 operating day carryover status's are expiring! |
Sign up today to join this NEW developing network of STEM focused educators to share resources, discuss state-wide initiatives and meet professionals from area districts. This fall we will develop meeting format, dates/times and contacts.
Are you a Digital / EdTech Coach in your district who is looking to create a collaborative network of professionals that are responsible for digital integration in the classroom? Sign-up to be part of our NEW Northern Indiana EdTech Network that will carve out time to collaborate on effective practices empowering today's classroom teacher. You don't have to do it all alone...don't miss out on the first meeting coming this fall! |
Access the Full Tech Newsletter
Each month, we publish a full Tech Newsletter to keep school staff up to date about local, state and federal resource and opportunities. This monthly newsletter is designed for Technology Directors and staff, building administrators, digital learning coaches and educators interested in classroom technology.
Preview the September Newsletter
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Visit the Newsletter Archives
Looking to support your staff?
ELA Academic Vocabulary for K-12 Teachers
Resources for All
For Counselors
Professional Learning Opportunities
Study Councils
Randy Miller
Superintendent |
Randy Miller is the Superintendent at Westview School Corporation. This will be his fifth year as superintendent but he has been at Westview for eleven years. In his 19 years in education, Randy has been a teacher and coach at West Noble High School, the Assistant Principal at Lakeland High School, Principal at Westview Jr. High School, and now Superintendent. He shared that he is appreciative of each one of those experiences.
One of the things that Randy has focused on has been staffing. Westview had tremendous and long-term elementary school principals who recently retired. So within the past two years he and his team found the next generation of leaders for their three K-4 buildings. In addition, they hired his replacement in the Jr. High and hired a new High school principal. They have also recently brought on board a new Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Coordinator and Director of Transportation, Buildings, & Grounds. Randy has had fun working with the new leadership team committed to Westview’s success. Together they want to build a foundation that also ensures continued success for their community.
We asked Randy what he finds most rewarding about his position. He responded, “Working collaboratively with our leadership team to make Westview a great place for students and their growth.” He also shared, “I really appreciate all the generous time and advice I have received from my superintendent colleagues and mentors when I reach out to them. Thank you for your leadership within public education; it is our path forward for our country's success. “
In his spare time, Randy enjoys exercising daily, watching movies when he can, and checking in on his parents.
Northern Indiana Education Service Center 56535 Magnetic Drive Mishawaka, IN 46545
574-254-0111 | niesc.org