Child Nutrition


NIESC has responded to changes over the last several years in meeting the state and USDA guidelines for school child nutrition programs.  Our ESC Food Cooperative Consortium has grown to over 90 districts!  This cooperative, with the NIESC as the lead administrator ensures all products meet the USDA guidelines for child nutrition, while monitoring changes in legislature and school food trends.  Our group meets monthly to be proactive to change and to strategically plan procurement activities and enhance professional development for food service personnel.  Our annual cafeteria staff development training day out, utilizing nationally known presenters such as Jeff Joiner and JoAnne Robinett, have provided a full-day of training to over 300 northern Indiana cafeteria professionals each summer.

NIESC is the only ESC in the state to offer the contracted services of a registered dietitian and contracted food service director consultants.   Through this program, we can help keep your food service professionals trained in food safety and menu planning!

Join a diverse and talented group of school cafeteria professionals by contacting  Sara Williams at NIESC today!!