Cooperative Bus Bid Program

Take the work out of bus buying!

NIESC works in conjunction with the Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) to help our members save time and $$money on school bus purchases while using the CIESC’s  unusually simple process.  A district ordering one bus can get the same price as a district ordering 20 buses!!

CIESC has had success in school bus bidding with over 266 School districts participating, 7000 plus buses and over $642 million in purchases through the program since its inception in the Fall 2007. NIESC supports this program of the CIESC and by doing so supports our members with the experience and ease of purchasing a bus through the

CIESC Bus Bid Online Procurement System.

You can spec your own bus and even add your trade-ins. Contact Kelly Taylor at the CIESC via email or by calling her direct line at 317-759-5556.